Art Waste | Group Show at Gallery Gachet

Art Waste, Group Show at Gallery Gachet

Thursday June 6th,  7 – 11pm

Vancouver’s cultural habitat is endangered, yet the art and artists not only remain but thrive. As in nature, we adapt through resourcefulness and ingenuity to survive. Merely by practicing and creating, we are protesting the gentrification and displacement that has been so rampant in the Vancouver art scene in the past few years. We want to focus on the positive outcomes of all of this: as a habitat we may be endangered but as a creative force we are flourishing.

To kick off the weekends events Sylvana d’Angelo and Katayoon Yousefbigloo have arranged an exhibition conceived in the spirit of Music Waste. An open call to all artists who live, work and create across Vancouver.


This entry was posted in Events, News

One Trackback

  1. […] night, Art Waste kicks off with a massive group show at Gallery Gachet featuring sculpture, painting, drawing, prints, and photography by over 30 local artists. Close by […]

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