An artist talk with Debora Alanna and d. June Conley

Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 2:00pm
The HUB, 251 East 11th Street, Vancouver

Join us for an afternoon of art and discussion with Debora Alanna and d. June Conley, two incredibly talented women who live with a disability. This discussion will be moderated by Yuri Arajs, Artistic Director at Kickstart Disability Arts & Culture.

Kickstart Disability Arts & Culture, in collaboration with Gallery Gachet, presents:

Debora Alanna
Debora graduated from the Ontario College of Art in Experimental Art. Known for her installation work, sculpture, painting, photography and video work, she has held solo exhibitions in Kazakhstan, Italy, France, India, and Canada. Recent participation in group shows includes: ECCE ARTIST, Rome, IT, Integrate Arts, Victoria BC, SurrealEstate – Mobius, Boston MA, Um Livro Sobre A Morte – Museu Brasileiro da Escultura, Els Colors Del Foc (The Fire of Colour) – Exposició Collectiva de Davis Museum, Barcelona, Spain, East Side Culture Crawl, Vancouver BC, Look – CACGV, Art & Soul, Victoria, BC. She has attended art residencies in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Ahmedabad, India, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Vallauris, FR, Venice, IT, El Bruc, Spain, and in 2013, Akureyri, Iceland.
Debora has lectured in art institutions and universities India and Kazakhstan, and art venues in Canada, Royal Roads University. She writes art reviews for the Exhibit-v blog in Victoria, BC.

d. June Conley
For June, making art is in her blood. When she is working on a piece it becomes her life. She recycles everything she possibly can; going to scrap yards and taking long walks, always searching for new materials. She believes that each piece has its own history and story to tell. She makes sculptures out of found, recycled and salvaged objects. In her work the piece has to have purpose, then becoming “functional art”. In 1988, she attended Emily Carr University of Art and Design where she received her Diploma in Fine Arts with 3D (Sculpture). Her repertoire is a mix of mediums and materials: painting, drawing, carving wood, metalwork, repurposing, sculpture.


Admission is by donation | This event will be ASL interpreted | The HUB is wheelchair accessible

This artist talk series is in collaboration with Gallery Gachet –

Kickstart Disability Arts & Culture is a registered charitable organization dedicated to supporting and promoting artists with disabilities.

For more information please contact:
Yuri Arajs / Artistic Director – Kickstart Disability Arts & Culture | | 604-499-5025

This entry was posted in Events, News
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