Neurotika – Fusion.

‘It has never been my inclination to separate art from politics.’  -Pablo Neruda.  I believe that there are no contradictions in life.  We live on the floating islands of perception -we assume that our opinion is a weapon -to reconcile is heresy.  But in the ideal of Fusion -all things become one.  We use labels like ‘Outsider’,  ‘Realism’ and ‘Fantasy’ to invoke our superiority to nature. We make knots out of our language -it contorts in various ways.  But I would tell you the future phrase for all creativity is indeed ‘Fusion’.  To specialize is not necessary -and to get bogged down in particulars is worse. To call oneself an outsider is useful -and any other label is adequate.  Still why not accept that we are growing things -we change with the times.  To be involved in fusion -is to take all the extraneous things and weld them together in a new form of expression.  To be involved in fusion is to admit that there is no ultimate truth -or way of seeing.  We are small things -after all.  It’s the little truths that matter.
To circumvent categories and distinctions is an imperative.  Otherwise one gets bogged down in a sort of creative confusion.   To focus on one part -is to invite disaster.  Fusion is the art of acceptance -in that it posits the transformations of the soul.   I am not ‘outsider’ or even worse an epitaph such as Schizophrenic, Manic depressive, or whatever other pejorative there is.  I am a changing thing -and I am not one version of myself.   In art as in life -we are on a journey without any destination.  All is process and the libido never stops giving of itself.   To move and keep moving is the essence of our craft. When we are travelling -we come to various positions -but still we keep in motion -never resting or held in stasis.  Art is an alternative state of mind -may even be a form of madness.  Still it has a deeper sanity -and comes out of a malformed soul.  Artists are bent out of shape in some way -we are ugly children.
To believe in fusion is to know that at its purest -the malleable fire is unformed and unshaped in any way.  The artist must take it with impunity -and fill his cup with the subtle light.  In this way -he uncovers what is hidden.  It comes somehow -out of his own heart -and this is a mysterious program.   The life that is before us -is complex and extravagant.  Only the fool simplifies -and in this way the imposition of law is pushed upon all things.  Still order is only a wave -on a sea of chaos. Art is somehow deeper -and in this way it is quite a terrible revelation.  In the religious sense -the Devil closes -and the God opens.   In art we enlarge and provoke a limitless perception -this is why such creativity is scorned and feared.   It causes a perplexed reaction and a angry misunderstanding. To enlarge and to give -and keep giving -is the ultimate aim of God -and of art as well.
To be involved in fusion -is to emulate the divine power.  To be involved in the immediate realm  of the senses -and forget the passing of Time -such is the true expression.   Pure perception is process and time is the enemy of this.  There is no one history -or sequence of events.  There is only the merging of different things -all in the coming and going of tides.  To be in the eternal moment -is to allow things to come out of you.  When I speak the name of God -he ceases to exist.  When I anticipate a new form -it shatters in my hands.  So all is purest expression -and in this trance we are involved in -we do not remember the world outside.   Even so it is a lie that ‘art is a thing of isolation.’  We are all related to others intimately and profoundly.  All is collaboration. We are sending and taking into ourselves -not only information -but beauty. Inside there is great joy -and this is the creativity of all colours.  The world is a thing of profound unrest -but inside there are dreams.  To believe in fusion -is to overthrow all borders and contentious limitations. The mystic is a man of many tools -as well as many truths.  He sees the jewel in his hand -and turns it showing many facets of light.  To fuse is to know -that various things can be taken in -and added to the core of one’s being.  To allow the soul to unfold like a garment -is to know that it is all a matter of endless giving -and in giving we are realized.

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