Neurotika Blog – Power

When you seek love -your find power.  As children -we had our power stolen from us.  As we seek this lost part of us -we turn inward.  The process of creativity and art is the process by which we recover the power.  So in the changes of life -we search for love and self realization.  The seeking for lost pride is a thing that is natural as well as essential.  This is a cleansing and a healing.   We replicate ourselves in the art we are involved in.  We put forth the design of our lives -in a purging of energies.  Outsider art is a thing that is strange and freaky.  This is true because the soul itself is strange -and does not live in a world of ordinary concerns.  Art is willful and contrary -and only comes into reality when it is totally dis-aligned against the knowledge of the outside world. We must unlearn what we have learned.  The enemy of art is worry and fear.  We are only able to create from a place where we are alone inside.

This is what I call the ‘zone’ and it involves itself in the physical and not the scriptural.   It is not our job to instruct or to answer the questions.  The artist is a thing of paradox -and in this way he tricks and deceives.  Even so -it is said that an actor takes off masks -does not put them on.  An artist would risk being a fool -and being ridiculed and scorned by others.  He is naked in this way -but even so he applies his sleight of hand -in a manner of reproach.  He confronts and reveals through misapplication.  He -(or she) is not a creature of Truth -but a creature of visions whereby he speaks of mystery.  We look into the black glass of igneous rock -to see the depths of meaning.  Art is not a thing of isolation however.  To see beyond the cul-de-sac of our own culture -we are brought out of ourselves.  In this way beauty is everywhere.
To search for the lost power of childhood -is a vain enterprise.  To be accused of pride -others often speak of artists as peacocks or clever fools.  This is a thing we must not think of -as we apply our craft.   Anyone who stands between you and your art -is an enemy and a thing of denial.  You may be confronted by this resistance -but you lose your fear and you gain generosity.  The artist is always giving of himself -and never stops pouring over the energies.  He is a drunkard who loves his wine.  He loves the taste of freedom and his heart is not locked inside.  To stand up when others are kneeling will invite envy and argument.  Some will see you as conceited and insolent.  But there’s always someone who raises their head above the crowd.
To take back you power -you must not hesitate.  To trust the voice that lives inside you and to be devoutly resolute -is not to pause or ruminate.  Sometimes thought itself is a thing that blocks.  Sing like you don’t care and create as if you had the Devil on your back.  It is not necessary to find meaning in what you do.  Power comes out of a disregard for the traps and snares of opinion.  Power is moves in and refuses to be enslaved or criticized.  All criticism is a matter of theology -whereby the work of the Prophets are scrutinized and measured.  All of us are prophets -and we must assume the responsibility of our work as sacred and also worthy of our time.  To seek love is to find power -and in our seeking we grow larger.  What suffocates and constrains is indeed a thing of destruction.  Some of us put things together and others take things apart.

This entry was posted in Neurotika Blog, News
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