Neurotika Blog – Cul-de-sacs

The terrors that keep us apart are linked to the problem of personal identity.  In this way we are measured by our tradition.  In this kind of mindset there is an irritatible reaction towards ‘cultural approbation’  When a phrase or a word is used -(such of Shaman) which is said to be ‘stolen’ in some way -there is a response of anger and betrayal.  Nothing is said of the meaning expressed or the truth is intimated.  It is true one must be sensitive and to respect such a response.  I apologize for any bruised sensibilities but to make the point -I use the word Shaman as a metaphor for an artist.  I used the word without thinking perhaps -but I still think its a useful term for my purpose.  Lets’ talk about the idea of cultural approbation.  Throughout history -it was done.  It is indeed nothing new.  The Roman’s did it to the Greeks -and in fact the Bible is also an example of such a wholesale looting.  There would be no progress in time without exploring many different ideas.  Any artist who does not steal is a mediocre artist indeed.
But I speak of tradition -and its sickly children. I see that sometimes a culture can be a spiritual cul-de-sac.  All traditions are systems with are machines of thought and morals.  I believe that it can also be like an addiction or a sickness.  By all means value the uniqueness of your society -but do not be involved in a siege mentality against the world.  There is always a cross-pollination from flower to flower. Cultural approbation is inevitable.  So if I use the word Shaman its only a word that belongs to the consciousness of the planet -it is to be shared by all.  I don’t want to get anybody angry but I will make a provocative point -all traditions must be nullified in order for the planet to survive.  Why?  We must not think of ourselves as citizens, immigrants or natives -but as children of the world.  Before you disagree -hear me out.
When we live on the land and don’t trust government we know that there are bad things being done to our world.  Most of us either deny it -or don’t speak of it -it’s all apart of our personal cul-de-sac.  We take refuge in our traditions -we are entrenched in a desperate distraction.  We brace ourselves against a cold wind -and hide in our secrets and our inclinations.  We are separated by our terrors -as fear is the great currency of this life. In this way we are alone -and tradition divides us up into encampments and armies.  It is a useful thing to be caught up in a war as a soldier in some perceived crusade. This is because of our programming -whereby we are made useful.  Divide people against each other and they won’t complain.  Set brother against brother and the same absurdities of disaster will happen.  No one will speak a word if they are scattered.
So I speak of cul-de-sacs -the one of personal identity is of thinking one must be apart from others.  We don’t have to lose our individuality.  We don’t have to be ashamed of our own culture but why be so angry if a term is used.  There should be more cultural approbation -everyone should do it.  As in Lennon’s utopian song ‘Imagine’  (I’ve always wondered if Lennon went to Hell) he speaks of a future hoped for by all.  I think that all people of races and nations must look beyond the cul-de-sac of their own culture.  If Man is to survive these turbulent times -he must divest himself from all systems. He must allow the give and take -and accept that the children who we have given this legacy are going to change things. All the old systems will die. All the traditions will be nullified.  All that’s left is pure creative spirit.      -Now I must make a disclaimer.  The views expressed in this diatribe are my own -and have nothing to do with the Gallery Gachet.  This is my own project and its purely my own.

This entry was posted in Neurotika Blog, Uncategorized
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