Walk, Eat, Talk, Make Wishes for the Downtown Eastside

Join us for a special Right to Remain gathering for Downtown East side (DTES) residents and members of the Japanese Canadian community, where you can find out more about the history of the Japanese Canadian community in the Powell Street area, and the issues and challenges facing the current residents of the DTES. This will be a great chance to meet new people, learn some history, share food, and make art that expresses your experiences in and connections to the neighbourhood. Free and open to everyone!

10 am – meet at the Vancouver Japanese Language School and Japanese Hall (487 Alexander Street)
11 am – Powell Street Historic Walking Tour
12 pm – Lunch at Carnegie Community Centre Main Theatre
1.00-4.00 pm – Art Workshops

Organized by the ” Revitalizing Japantown? ” Research Project , the Right to Remain Community Fair team, and Gallery Gachet.

Join Andy, Cara, Herb, Jenny, Karen, Karenza, Kathy, and Quin to create ema (Japanese wooden wishing plaques) and fabric bunting. Markers, paint and collage will be used on wood, while fabric markers, embroidery and appliqué will be used on fabric to express you r hopes for upholding human rights in the DTES and the future of the neighrbourhood.


Walk, Eat, Talk, Make intends to connect the rights of residents in the Downtown Eastside now to past struggles, including the thousands of Japanese Canadians driven from their homes around Powell Street in 1942. This gathering is the largest event in the Right to Remain Community Arts Fair, a series of arts workshops that have happened over the past summer in the Downtown Eastside. The Fair i s for anyone living in the DTES who would like to join us and express their human rights experiences in the neighbourhood – good or bad.

The Right to Remain Community Fair (RRCF) is the arts phase of the research project “Revitalizing Japantown?: A unifying exploration of human rights, branding and place in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside”. For more information visit www.revitalizingjapantown.ca. or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/584184008348758/?pnref=story

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    Gallery Gachet is a unique artist-run centre located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Gachet is a collectively-run exhibition and studio space built to empower participants as artists, administrators and curators.


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