Clarence Brear

My Art is My Lifehood: My Art is My Life Achievement.

Exhibition runs: December 18th – December 20th, 2015
Opening reception Friday, December 18th,  6-9pm

An effort to make an undreamed dream come true for a late bloomer of an artist who sees his art as his life achievement.About this exhibition and how it came to be;

Clarence became known to health care workers at the Downtown Community Health Centre (DCHC) about three years ago and has been a resident of the Downtown Eastside (DTES) for the past 15 years. Clarence attends the clinic daily and started bringing in hand written jokes/stories, giving them to the front desk workers and nurses about two years ago. Then the stories metamorphosed into drawings. These vibrant, visual narratives often represent dreams Clarence may have had, stories from his past, current events in the news and the changing of the seasons. Over the past year and a half clinic staff have received almost thirty pieces of art and have had more than two dozen pieces up on the clinic walls at any one time. Interestingly, Clarence produces multiples of an art piece, giving one to nursing, one to the front desk and one to a cafe he frequents. This speaks to Clarence’s community spirit and generosity because sharing his work is a way for him to connect with his community. At 84 years of age Clarence falls within a less visible minority in the DTES: pensioners living independently. Despite challenging circumstances and an unpredictable environment Clarence’s ability to build capacity is an inspiration for all of us despite social background.

Clarence’s ongoing commitment to produce and share his art with the clinic inspired some of the nurses to contact Gallery Gachet to explore the possibility of reaching a larger audience. Gallery Gachet sprung into action and is proud to present an exhibition which brings together so many DTES allies including the staff, nurses at the DTES Community Health Centre and the Gallery Gachet Collective of members, volunteers and staff.

Connecting is pivotal to Clarence’s artistic practice! Through this exhibition we are pleased to introduce Clarence to an active artist community. We are excited for Clarence and feel he represents the remarkable talent of the DTES.

Clarence Brear

Clarence Brear


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