The Expressive Arts Group | Salon Shop

Exhibition runs : July 8th ­- July 24th 2016

Opening Fri, July 8th 6- ­9pm

The Salon Shop is Gachet’s micro­ exhibition space and shop that features the artworks, crafts, and other arts objects of local community members, as well as Gachet volunteer, associate and collective members.

Expressive Arts is a weekly community art ­making workshop held at Gallery Gachet every Monday from 1­3pm. Every week, we engage in the process of art­ making as a means of self-expression, soul ­exploration, community ­healing, time­ wasting, socializing, peer­ education and plain old fun. This exhibition is the result of an ongoing process by the group’s fantastic members, and serves as a spotlight on an invaluable community resource.

Contributing artists: Jim Pattison, Graham Cunningham, Laurie Marshall, Mike Levin, Yaho-Hanan Fiwchuk, Jaz Pawa, Robyn Livingstone.

Exhibition coordinated by Katherine Somody, Expressive Arts Facilitator

This entry was posted in Events, Exhibitions, News
  • About Gallery Gachet

    Gallery Gachet is a unique artist-run centre located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Gachet is a collectively-run exhibition and studio space built to empower participants as artists, administrators and curators.


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    Front door - 32" width
    No steps

    Door - 35" width
    Toilet clearance:
    8'' left side
    29'' front
    Support bars on left and behind toilet

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