About Gallery Gachet
Gallery Gachet is a unique artist-run centre located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Gachet is a collectively-run exhibition and studio space built to empower participants as artists, administrators and curators.
Gallery Gachet is a non-profit artist run centre located in the Downtown Eastside.
Your support will help us extend the range and quality of our programs.Accessibility Info
Front door - 32" width
No stepsWashroom
Door - 35" width
Toilet clearance:
8'' left side
29'' front
Support bars on left and behind toiletSubscribe to our e-newsletter
Goodbye Party
October 23rd, 4-8pm [at 88 East Cordova Street]
As Gallery Gachet prepares to move two blocks west we are taking one last moment at 88 East Cordova Street, to gather and share memories with our neighbours, artists and friends.
Goodbye 88 East Cordova, Hello 9 West Hastings!
Everyone is invited to reminisce about times past and help us dream about Gallery Gachet’s new home.
Our new partners, WePress, will be in attendance to facilitate art making. Of course, there will be food and music!
Gallery Gachet Rising: A New Chapter
Gallery Gachet is a member-run society operating in the Downtown Eastsid,e by and for artists living with a mental illness. For 21 years, over half its annual budget was financed by Vancouver Coastal Health, acknowledging its value to the community and the people who run it, as a part of a continuum of mental health supports. In 2016 that funding ceased, with just a few months notice from VCH, plunging our organization into crisis.
Today, after almost two years of hard work, sacrifice, and wide-ranging support from our many intersecting communities, Gachet is entering a new era. Indeed, our reality has changed. We are moving to a new home at 9 West Hastings, the ground floor of the Beacon Hotel beside Pigeon Park. We are strengthening our partnership with WePress society, sharing space and an open studio at this location.
We will continue to program exhibitions of contemporary, community, and outsider art, offer workshops, and be a peer-run space that provides a creative alternative to mainstream clinical and pathologizing approaches to psychological difference and distress. We hold firm to our belief that working for social justice is integral to our collective artistic work, and that access to art is a human right. Gallery Gachet is our ongoing collective work, and our work continues.