Category Archives: Neurotika Blog

Neurotika Blog – Ideas.

Ideas never come in a large package -but they express themselves in pieces and shards of meaning.  To seek an ultimate truth is a vain enterprise.

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Neurotika Blog – Power

When you seek love -your find power.  As children -we had our power stolen from us.  As we seek this lost part of us -we turn inward.

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Neurotika Blog – Systems

In order to make art -you encapsulate. You take the pure light and stuff it in a cup so it becomes a shape.

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Neurotika Blog – Loss.

How in life we deal with loss and disappointment.  When we reach a crisis of faith we are faced with such a sense of anxiety.

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Neurotika Blog – Sentience.

What does a wall say to you?  It says ‘I am a wall.’  What does a chair say?  “I am a chair.’  All the forms of life -are caught in the cage of metaphor.  All the living surfaces hide interior depths of meaning.

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Neurotika Blog – Liberation.

To reduce everything to their essentials -is a form of liberation.  To cast aside the inconvenient things that stand between us and our work -is to let loose the weight.

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Neurotika Blog – Work.

One of Man’s basic human rights is to have work. To be without work is to be completely dependent on the system.

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Neurotika Blog – Faith.

To have faith in a literal sense is to know that you have the truth. When you are full of truth -you know you are right. In a spiritual way -you are sure of where you stand.

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Neurotika Blog – Uncertainty.

It is true that in uncertainty there is freedom.  Life is invariably a surprising thing.  If it was predictable it would be a pitiful thing.

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Neurotika Blog – Process.

In truth there is no heaven or destination. We walk the road -lost and alone. We never reach the home in the valley -it is always someplace in the future.

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  • About Gallery Gachet

    Gallery Gachet is a unique artist-run centre located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Gachet is a collectively-run exhibition and studio space built to empower participants as artists, administrators and curators.


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    Door - 35" width
    Toilet clearance:
    8'' left side
    29'' front
    Support bars on left and behind toilet

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