Category Archives: Neurotika Blog

Neurotika – Fusion.

‘It has never been my inclination to separate art from politics.’  -Pablo Neruda.  I believe that there are no contradictions in life.  We live on the floating islands of perception -we assume that our opinion is a weapon -to reconcile is heresy.  But in the ideal of Fusion -all things become one. 

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Neurotika – I’ Labyrinth.

In the beginning I was born in a midst of a river-stream.  In this progression of events I was brought forth -from the past to the future.  But in reality -there is no time.  The past and future are both illusions -made up by the conscious mind.   We assume we are involved in a series […]

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Neurotika -On Strangeness.

I believe that art is an expression of the strangeness of life. In literature, art and music -we express the marvellous nature of existence. It is sometimes said by critics that realism is the ultimate expression of man -that fantasy is at it’s best a distraction -and an escape from the ordinary.

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Neurotika -Biting the Devil.

In every life -we come to a moment of crisis. This is the time -when we must either grow or die. Sometimes it’s a matter of karma or decision. We are bogged down or stranded on a hill. We are then known to have a mental illness -in all the scientific terms. It is said […]

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Neurotika: The Tyrannny of Equality

They who cut off heads and shorten tongues -say ‘All is Equal.’ In this way we fulfill the function of society -to have a level clearing field. But even so a certain tyranny is affected. This is the movement of the grinding wheel -and is often a process of making things smaller. Anyone who aspires […]

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A Chip Off the Old Blog

Let us begin -by addressing the theme. The idea that madness and wisdom is close together is nothing new. I think it could be argued that the artistic process is an altered state -perhaps even a trance of some kind -that appears to be insanity. Some people think that art is impractical or even degenerate. […]

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    Gallery Gachet is a unique artist-run centre located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Gachet is a collectively-run exhibition and studio space built to empower participants as artists, administrators and curators.


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