Out of the Rain: a project for homelessness

Out of the Rain is a multi-faceted art event that will create awareness about homelessness in Vancouver and raise funds to benefit people living on the street. We will explore the root causes of homelessness including poverty, mental health, addiction, alienation, and more.

Throughout October, artists were invited to create functional or art umbrellas or donate other works around the themes for November’s exhibit at Gachet and an exhibition, auction, and gala event at the Roundhouse.

out uv th storm
On opening night, stick around till 10pm for a lyric video performance, the culmination of a month of workshops involving local youth mentored by Canadian poet bill bissett and performance artist Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa.

The events are in partnership with the Roundhouse, 2nd annual Heart of the City Festival, Judith Marcuse Projects’ Earth(ling): a festival, Vancouver International Writers (& Readers) Festival, and the LIVE Performance Art Biennial.

Here is a break-down of the events leading up to the exhibition and performance:

October 20, 3-5pm
Youth in the community are invited to join Canadian poet bill bissett, famed for his unconventional style, in a free poetry workshop and reading at Gallery Gachet. The work produced will contribute to the final performance piece.

October 22, 1-2:30pm
Everyone is welcome at an umbrella painting workshop at Emily Carr?s Great Northern Way campus (between Main + Clarke). Bring an umbrella and your great ideas. The art umbrellas may be shown at Gallery Gachet?s or the Roundhouse?s November exhibits.

October 22, 8pm
Attend the debut performance of out uv th storm at Judith Marcuse Projects? earth(ling) festival, Emily Carr?s Great Northern Way campus (between Main + Clarke).

October 25, 1-4pm
Another umbrella painting workshop is available at Atira Women?s Services Society, 101 E. Cordova St.

October 30, 1-3pm
The public has a second opportunity to attend an umbrella painting workshop, this time at Gallery Gachet.

  • About Gallery Gachet

    Gallery Gachet is a unique artist-run centre located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Gachet is a collectively-run exhibition and studio space built to empower participants as artists, administrators and curators.


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    Gallery Gachet is a non-profit artist run centre located in the Downtown Eastside.
    Your support will help us extend the range and quality of our programs.

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    Front door - 32" width
    No steps

    Door - 35" width
    Toilet clearance:
    8'' left side
    29'' front
    Support bars on left and behind toilet

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