About Gallery Gachet
Gallery Gachet is a unique artist-run centre located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Gachet is a collectively-run exhibition and studio space built to empower participants as artists, administrators and curators.
Gallery Gachet is a non-profit artist run centre located in the Downtown Eastside.
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Outside the Box | Curated by Mind’s Eye
Step Outside the Box at Gallery Gachet in October with Mind’s Eye, a mental wellness arts group from North Vancouver. The art exhibition opens at a reception Oct. 7 at 88 E. Cordova, 7-10pm, admission by donation.
We as people and artists cannot by placed inside a stigma box, Mind’s Eye says. We are individuals and the diversity of our art is our strength.
Mind’s Eye is a group of artists six of whom are displaying work in Outside the Box who are recovering from mental illnesses. They use are as a method of healing as well as a way of reaching outside of themselves for beauty, expression and creativity.
Our illnesses do not hamper or burden our art, they say. Instead, we benefit with an added creativity and heightened sensitivity.
Outside the Box is a way of bringing the six artists Anna Lam, Anne Orcas, Eleanor Robertson, Jacquelyne Laburda, Kim Marchant, and Pam Murphy out of the stigma of mental illness.
Our art is a way of being in the world authentically, says Orcas, who presents three paintings and one 3D piece. It’s about bringing normalcy through art.
Gallery Gachet is an artist run centre operated by and for mental health consumers. Outside the Box is presented in Gallery II, with Gallery I featuring Tarot: Truth Beyond Understanding. Both shows run until Oct. 30.
For more information, stop by 88 E. Cordova Wed-Sun, Noon-6pm, call 604-687-2468.